Light Controller

Light Controller GUI

  • 62

When our SMAL (i.e. micrsophere attached) lenses are used on another manufacturer’s microscope a lamp module is required to illuminate the sample through the microsphere. The software used for XY stage control, Z stage control, and the camera will be their software. Nevertheless, software is required to control positioning of the lamp (so that it illuminates through the sphere), the brightness of the lamp, and the aperture of the iris (to avoid stray light illuminating around the side of the sphere).

The light controller encapsulates the Nanoro software lamp controls, and avoids the remaining software which would encumber the screen, serve no purpose, and complain of missing hardware.

This short video shows both the Nanoro software and the light controller, for comparison.

Nanoro cf. Light Controller

The lamp controller software was written shortly after lockdown. For the Bio microscope project it has been modified in two important ways.

  1. It has its own installer.
  2. It no longer refers to the a particular microscope manufacturer. It is equally valid for all microscopes.

When our SMAL (i.e. micrsophere attached) lenses are used on another manufacturer’s microscope a lamp module is required to illuminate the sample through the microsphere. The software used for XY stage control, Z stage control, and the camera will be their software. Nevertheless, software is required to control positioning of…

When our SMAL (i.e. micrsophere attached) lenses are used on another manufacturer’s microscope a lamp module is required to illuminate the sample through the microsphere. The software used for XY stage control, Z stage control, and the camera will be their software. Nevertheless, software is required to control positioning of…

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