Human Hair, Paper and Coin

Human Hair on Paper

  • 52

I tested the focus stacking software today and used a hair (from my head) on a blank piece of white paper for the images. The depth of field of the lens was around 10 microns, but the width of a hair is more like 50 to 100 microns. This means that its not possible to focus the hair and the paper at the same time. That made it a reasonable choice of sample to use to explain focus stacking.

From the Z stack, I have selected a couple of images, one with the paper in focus and one with part of the hair in focus. This demonstrates the problem to be solved.

Before that, I will show an overview of the set up, and afterwards, the result from focus stacking: an image showing the hair and paper grain simultaneously in focus, to the best of the software’s ability.

Human Hair, Paper and Coin
Human Hair, Paper and Coin
Human Hair
Human Hair
On Paper
On Paper
Focus Stacked Human Hair On Paper
Focus Stacked Human Hair On Paper

I tested the focus stacking software today and used a hair (from my head) on a blank piece of white paper for the images. The depth of field of the lens was around 10 microns, but the width of a hair is more like 50 to 100 microns. This means…

I tested the focus stacking software today and used a hair (from my head) on a blank piece of white paper for the images. The depth of field of the lens was around 10 microns, but the width of a hair is more like 50 to 100 microns. This means…

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