Calibrate Scale Using X Displacement

  • 53

This video demonstrates how to calibrate a len’s scale using the dispacement of the X stage as the reference for distance. In this case, there is a motorised X stage and the displacement is read from the screen display coordnates (bottom right of the screen) but they could equally well be taken from readings ona manual dial.

This video demonstrates how to calibrate a len’s scale using the dispacement of the X stage as the reference for distance. In this case, there is a motorised X stage and the displacement is read from the screen display coordnates (bottom right of the screen) but they could equally well…

This video demonstrates how to calibrate a len’s scale using the dispacement of the X stage as the reference for distance. In this case, there is a motorised X stage and the displacement is read from the screen display coordnates (bottom right of the screen) but they could equally well…

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