Egg Slicer

Sliced Egg

  • 83

We are developing a slicing mechanism for frozen biosamples, in order to capture images with the microscope and create 3D views of them.

For software testing purposes, it would be nice to have a sliced stack of images, e.g. from an egg slicer, just to experiment with. I have an egg slicer at home, shown in the post’s featured image. I could boil an egg, slice it and photograph it. But, being a software engineer, I chose to find the mathematical formula for an egg shape and generate my own images that way!

The shape of the yoke in a boiled egg is often close to spherical and I used to have the impression that the yoke sits nicely in the middle of the egg. The truth is that yoke is in the middle due to the tumbling of the egg as it boils.

A standard image image size is 640×480, so I have used that and taken 480 slices, so I should have a nice 640x480x480 grid of pixels to play with.

A zipped collection of the 480 images is now available for use.


The images are created using a recently discovered formula (August 2021, just last year)

The images can be loaded into ImageJ to make a “stack”.

Import Image Sequence
Import Image Sequence

It’s possible to create a montage overview of the stack, as shown below.

Montage Menu
Montage Menu

Montage gives a grid-like overview like this.

Montage Result
Montage Result

The stack can be viewed in 3D

3D Viewer
3D Viewer

3D Viewer can rotate objects, as demonstrated below.

This shows that if we can slice and capture images, then we can use existing tools for 3D presentation of the image stack.

We are developing a slicing mechanism for frozen biosamples, in order to capture images with the microscope and create 3D views of them. For software testing purposes, it would be nice to have a sliced stack of images, e.g. from an egg slicer, just to experiment with. I have an…

We are developing a slicing mechanism for frozen biosamples, in order to capture images with the microscope and create 3D views of them. For software testing purposes, it would be nice to have a sliced stack of images, e.g. from an egg slicer, just to experiment with. I have an…

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