Reinstall Windows

  • 53

To get into a position to reinstall windows, first download a copy of Windows from the microsoft website. Then hold down the SHIFT KEY while clicking on the REBOOT icon. I had to do this before logging in as I was in a forgotten-password situation due to a colleague leaving. It works from there which is good as the instructions I followed assumed you were already logged in!

Here’s a few screen shots of the process.

One of the key places to click is “I don’t have a licence” and Windows just reuses the licence that is in place, thank God.

To get into a position to reinstall windows, first download a copy of Windows from the microsoft website. Then hold down the SHIFT KEY while clicking on the REBOOT icon. I had to do this before logging in as I was in a forgotten-password situation due to a colleague leaving.…

To get into a position to reinstall windows, first download a copy of Windows from the microsoft website. Then hold down the SHIFT KEY while clicking on the REBOOT icon. I had to do this before logging in as I was in a forgotten-password situation due to a colleague leaving.…

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