3D track layout

5 GIFs: Refocussing on NVIDIA chip

  • 76

Yesterday I took some Z-stacks of part of an NVIDIA chip.

Today I converted the images into GIF animations.
Magnification is a little over 20,000x assuming you have a 96 dots per inch computer display screen.

While these are not bio images, interest arose in the refocussing from the automatic Z-stack slice images collected by the focus stacking feature. At times, the refocussing allows us to see through one layer and capture detail on the layer below. This is valuable customer feeback on what features are desirable.

NVIDIA chip refocussing
529 NVIDIA chip refocussing 10 steps of 0.1μm
NVidia chip refocussing
530 NVidia chip refocussing 20 steps of 0.1μm
NVidia Chip refocussing
531 NVidia Chip refocussing 30 steps of 0.1μm
NVidia Chip refocussing
532 NVidia Chip refocussing over 1μm
NVide chip refocussing
533 NVidia chip refocussing over 3μm

Yesterday I took some Z-stacks of part of an NVIDIA chip. Today I converted the images into GIF animations. Magnification is a little over 20,000x assuming you have a 96 dots per inch computer display screen. While these are not bio images, interest arose in the refocussing from the automatic…

Yesterday I took some Z-stacks of part of an NVIDIA chip. Today I converted the images into GIF animations. Magnification is a little over 20,000x assuming you have a 96 dots per inch computer display screen. While these are not bio images, interest arose in the refocussing from the automatic…

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