Coffee Mould or Fungus?

Coffee Fungus Z-stack Animation

  • 63

I have made a Z-stack of image slices from a sample of coffee mould; or is it fungus? Focussing on the top and bottom of the sample with a 10x Nikon lens gave me the depth of the mould/fungus, 280 μm. The depth of field of the lens is approximately 10 μm so slices need to be closer together than that to capture images of everything there. 7 is an easily determined factor of 280, which would give me forty 7 μm slices. I went for 80 slices of 3.5 μm to give me a longer and smoother animation.

The featured image above is from the all-in-focus (focus stacking) software, giving an overview of the whole stack, by showing in focus parts from the different slices.

The images are too large for a normal computer screen. The video above is simply created from a screen recording.

I have made a Z-stack of image slices from a sample of coffee mould; or is it fungus? Focussing on the top and bottom of the sample with a 10x Nikon lens gave me the depth of the mould/fungus, 280 μm. The depth of field of the lens is approximately…

I have made a Z-stack of image slices from a sample of coffee mould; or is it fungus? Focussing on the top and bottom of the sample with a 10x Nikon lens gave me the depth of the mould/fungus, 280 μm. The depth of field of the lens is approximately…

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