RMS MMC 2023

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Super resolution imaging, for less than the cost of an average family car.

Born in 24 October 1632, Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek was making his own “minisphere” optical microscopes with a resolving power rarely matched until the 19th Century.

And now here we are in the 21st Century, and technology appears to have gone full circle with “microsphere” microscopes giving the best resolving power of the available optical microscopes.

So it was great to be presenting at the Royal Microscopical Society Microscience Microscopy Congress 2023 in Manchester earlier this week.

Our stand

Here is our affordable super resolution full colour optical microscope.

Nanoro Generation

Nanoro Generation


Thanks for the SEM sample holder we used, see below, and also for the “Mitochondria” fluffy toy for my daughter. She loves it and it’s an opportunity to tell her a little science.

Blue Scientific

Really nice of you to do some SEM imaging of an i5 processor for us. It’s great to compare images: the detail from your SEM and the color from us. Feature measurements matched nicely too, confirming our super resulution. Your turnaround time was very impressive, from bringing you the sample, to seeing the images on screen, all within a few sips of my coffee!

Cool LED

Thanks for a good friendly chat regarding potential equipment loan for evaluation purposes. I look forward to collaberting further in the near future.


… make very good cameras that we looked at an evaluated for our Bio-microscope in the past.
Impressed by their radiometric resolution which gave us some very good images.
(Radiometric resolution is the amount of information in each pixel, that is, the number of bits representing the energy recorded.)
At the time however, our requirement was better met by a camera we were already using [… less software development required by us] .

Journal of Microscopy

Thanks for dropping by at out stand and mentioning your magazine. We are looking forward to reading an article about full color super-resoultion optical imaging. Well of course; I would say that wouldn’t I!

Laser 2000 (Zaber)

The ability to develop and test software using the Zaber stage online hardware emulator is extremely convenient for a software developer. When hardware arrived to test with, I literally had to change just one line of code to connect via the real hardware and it worked first time. Your Z-stage hardware works even better than promised and the guys at Laser 2000 are very helpful.


Michael Halliwell and John Moore passed by our stand. I’m not sure whether that was the reason that visitors gathered around our stand. There seemed to be a little “what’s everybody looking at”, and a crowd gathered. As strategic partners with Nikon, it’s always great to chat with them and John’s professional comments are always helpful. Thanks guys. Michael is a great salesman, infinitly helpful, and if anyone needs a microscope, its worth a chat with him — after you have spoken to us of course!

Prior Scientific

I love your business model for developing production ready instruments. Anyone with a microscpe product business idea that needs help getting it to production, go have a chat there.

Thor labs

If Prior scientific were a fitted kitchen company, then Thor labs would be like B&Q selling everthing a DIY enthusiast needs to build their own. When we need a microscope part for prototyping, Thor Labs are the first place I think of looking. Thanks for the T-shirt: I will be sure to wear it around work regularly!


Really nice guys there. I only used a few words of my Japanese. Unfortunately we have no current need for a vacuum pump. We did once test our dry air lenses in a partial vacuum in order to prove there was no condensation between the lens and sample. Their silent efficient pump would have been over-kill for our testing.


Criticism first. The show is expensive for exhibitors. Carpets were laid, used for 3 days, and ripped up and disposed of. That’s surely unnecessary expense that must be avoidable somehow. The exhibition was free to attended for the general public, but that information was at the bottom of a large price list for attending workshops etc, and so we saw very little footfall from Joe Public, and that is a pity. On the positive side, it was a very enjoyble event.

Photonic Solutions

It was great chatting to you. Apologies for stealing two visitors away from you with my line “You’re photographing the wrong stand there!” as a couple walked past. It was a bit cheeky of me, but did spark a conversation with someone that would likely have walked straight passed.

File:Colours of the visible light spectrum.png - Wikimedia Commons

https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/rms-mmc-2023-ivan-urwin/ Super resolution imaging, for less than the cost of an average family car. Born in 24 October 1632, Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek was making his own “minisphere” optical microscopes with a resolving power rarely matched until the 19th Century. And now here we are in the 21st Century, and technology…

https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/rms-mmc-2023-ivan-urwin/ Super resolution imaging, for less than the cost of an average family car. Born in 24 October 1632, Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek was making his own “minisphere” optical microscopes with a resolving power rarely matched until the 19th Century. And now here we are in the 21st Century, and technology…

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