About me

I am a software engineer based in Manchester UK. I have extensive experience writing in C, C++. I have worked in telecommunications (civil and miliatary), hospitality accounting software (tills, accounting, stock taking, purchase ordering and delivery) and scientific research (microscope robotics and image processing).

Currently I am working at LIG Nanowise developing an optical bio microscope capable of viewing and imaging a coronavirus and similarly sized objects.

Super-resolution Bio-Microscope Software

LIG-Nanowise (https://www.lig-nanowise.com/) are currently designing a super-resolution bio-microscope. The lenses used will be similar or improved versions of the lenses we currently sell to companies like Samsung and AMD to image their semiconductors. These have sub 100nm resolution and thus are able to see things the size of a virion – a single virus particle.

I am enhancing the current microscope software with biological microscope features, such as, for example, focus stacking and time lapse video generation. As this software is in the design stage, I am open to suggestions of software features that users would like to see.

Please share or forward this to anyone you feel would be interested in sending ideas or suggestions for features and/or the user interface they would like to see on a super-resolution bio-microscope.
